Monday 31 August 2015

A Good Day

Today was a good day. My Philosophy oral has been moved to next Monday so I have an extra four days to work on it (thank GOD). My Psych teacher was away so I spend that period working on questions from the book, which was pretty easy and I did more questions than needed but oh well. Lit we were given heaps of information on how to properly structure an analytical essay because we suck at it, then my Methods teacher was also absent so I spent that watching YouTuber JackSepticEye play Until Dawn - which is an amazing game - the graphics in it are incredible and the storyline so far seems pretty cool with all these friends going up to a cabin in the mountains on the one year anniversary of their twin friends' disappearance. I love the totems you can find as well and how each of the five colours (red, black, brown, white and yellow) represent different kinds of prophesy-like things, it's very cool. Anyway that period was spent watching that and jumping a little when the omnipresent-creepy-anonymous-guy showed up behind the characters - spoopy. But yeah, only got 20 minutes into the hour-long video so I still have to finish that.
Later on I had English, and that was spent writing notes and having to leave for the bathroom to get some toilet paper because the second piercing in my left ear had begun to bleed, a lot. I also had the best recess - fresh strawberries with hot chocolate fudge, and vanilla yoghurt with peaches. Yum.

Now off to finish that video.
~ Bee.

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It's Orals Week! (no, not that kind of oral)

Ugh, for my Philosophy class we've had weeks to prepare a 6 minute speech on anything to do with ethics and morals. A 6 minute speech. It's crazy. Luckily, though, my lovely teacher has said it's okay if we have a speech that's a little less than that (thank God!). I'm also glad that one of my friends is working with me on this, or I'd be stuffed. I hate doing speeches of any kind, I can barely speak up confidently in class without getting a rush of adrenaline and bright red cheeks, let alone stand in front of two teachers for 6 minutes. Our oral is supposed to be based around philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche's quote "fear is the mother of morality." So our speech is all about how our morals are created out of fear over love, but it is so boring. The only reason we did this topic is because one of my other friends closed his eyes and picked a topic at random from a list. Yipee. Also, our speech isn't going so well, I mean it is getting there, it's the whole trying to think of a way to stretch our words out enough to get six minutes worth of mind-numbing dribble.

Enough about that, just talking about it is giving me a headache. I'll talk about the other classes I do at school. Our timetables are set out in six 40-minute periods, and because I'm in VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education- for years 11 & 12) I have five separate classes plus one study. As I said above, I take Philosophy, but I also do Literature, Maths Methods, Psychology and English. English is a default class though so I had to have that. I love all my classes at school, and I actually love school and I'm proud to love it. My #1 top favourite class is Psychology, because I want to be an educational psychologist, someone who works in schools to help those with special needs or who just have difficulty learning things in school. That is the reason I'm taking Methods, because I need a pretty high ATAR (it's kind of like a GPA) score at the end of year 12 to get into the Psychology course I want, and doing Methods boosts that score. I'm taking Literature for the hell of it, I love books and I spend a lot of my time reading, and this class is pretty much a huge nerd-out group where we talk about how much we loved or hated the latest book we've read in class, and It's great!

On a side note, I'm a massive Psychology nerd and I'm top of my class, it fascinates me to read about how we think and the chemical processes that take place when our brain is at work, and I'm not at all squeamish so I'd definitely love to cut up a brain and see what it really looks like.

~ Bee.

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Sunday 30 August 2015

Amazing Day

Yesterday I drove Dad from my home to my favourite book store, which took about 40 minutes to drive there, to get my own copy of Demon Road by Derek Landy. I was so excited because I've been reading his work since the first Skulduggery Pleasant books and I was so upset when that series ended, but Demon Road is the first book in his new trilogy and so I wanted to get it as soon as possible. Anyway so we got there and I had to reverse our massive car into a parking space, which was taking a little while because I'm not very good at it just yet, and this really nice old man was patiently sitting in his car, waiting for me to park the car while Dad told me which way to turn into the spot. Once I'd parked the car, the man drove up and said that Dad and I did a good job and that he'd taught four of his kids to drive, and so Dad thanked him for his patience and he drove away. He was a sweetie.

After walking into the shopping centre I pretty much ran to the book store and grabbed the book, and I also grabbed an insanely awesome notebook, it's a journal with the quote from a well-known book on the front, and the lines in the journal you write on are the words of the book, it's so cool even though it smells like fake leather. I got a red one with a Brothers Grimm quote on it: "I am Death, and I make all equal."

So all in all, it was a spectacular shopping trip.

~ Bee.

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First post! Here we go...

So, this is what a blog looks like. I've been thinking about starting one for a while now and I had kept putting it off over and over again. And now here you are, reading this, my very first post in my new blog, My Little Cathartic Release! The biggest reason for me starting this whole thing is to give myself a way to vent my feelings and ideas about anything and everything that goes on in my life, but I suppose before I get to that I should give you a little view into my life (but not too much). My name is Bee, and I'm a high school student in year 11. I live in Australia and I have two little sisters, and my mum and my dad. Starting this blog is hopefully going to help me when I'm feeling stressed about school or whatever, so I can let all my emotions spill out onto the keyboard, and have a cathartic moment. For those who don't know, a catharsis is the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, it encourages or permits the discharge of pent-up, socially unacceptable affects, to result in the alleviation of symptoms or the permanent relief of the condition. In other words, this is a form of therapy for me, because some of the things I may keep bottled up wouldn't be a very good thing to say aloud to my friends and family, or maybe I'm just freaking out over nothing. 

Anyway, hello! I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I am going to, and maybe it will be a release for more than just me.

~ Bee.

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