Monday 31 August 2015

It's Orals Week! (no, not that kind of oral)

Ugh, for my Philosophy class we've had weeks to prepare a 6 minute speech on anything to do with ethics and morals. A 6 minute speech. It's crazy. Luckily, though, my lovely teacher has said it's okay if we have a speech that's a little less than that (thank God!). I'm also glad that one of my friends is working with me on this, or I'd be stuffed. I hate doing speeches of any kind, I can barely speak up confidently in class without getting a rush of adrenaline and bright red cheeks, let alone stand in front of two teachers for 6 minutes. Our oral is supposed to be based around philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche's quote "fear is the mother of morality." So our speech is all about how our morals are created out of fear over love, but it is so boring. The only reason we did this topic is because one of my other friends closed his eyes and picked a topic at random from a list. Yipee. Also, our speech isn't going so well, I mean it is getting there, it's the whole trying to think of a way to stretch our words out enough to get six minutes worth of mind-numbing dribble.

Enough about that, just talking about it is giving me a headache. I'll talk about the other classes I do at school. Our timetables are set out in six 40-minute periods, and because I'm in VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education- for years 11 & 12) I have five separate classes plus one study. As I said above, I take Philosophy, but I also do Literature, Maths Methods, Psychology and English. English is a default class though so I had to have that. I love all my classes at school, and I actually love school and I'm proud to love it. My #1 top favourite class is Psychology, because I want to be an educational psychologist, someone who works in schools to help those with special needs or who just have difficulty learning things in school. That is the reason I'm taking Methods, because I need a pretty high ATAR (it's kind of like a GPA) score at the end of year 12 to get into the Psychology course I want, and doing Methods boosts that score. I'm taking Literature for the hell of it, I love books and I spend a lot of my time reading, and this class is pretty much a huge nerd-out group where we talk about how much we loved or hated the latest book we've read in class, and It's great!

On a side note, I'm a massive Psychology nerd and I'm top of my class, it fascinates me to read about how we think and the chemical processes that take place when our brain is at work, and I'm not at all squeamish so I'd definitely love to cut up a brain and see what it really looks like.

~ Bee.

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