Sunday 30 August 2015

First post! Here we go...

So, this is what a blog looks like. I've been thinking about starting one for a while now and I had kept putting it off over and over again. And now here you are, reading this, my very first post in my new blog, My Little Cathartic Release! The biggest reason for me starting this whole thing is to give myself a way to vent my feelings and ideas about anything and everything that goes on in my life, but I suppose before I get to that I should give you a little view into my life (but not too much). My name is Bee, and I'm a high school student in year 11. I live in Australia and I have two little sisters, and my mum and my dad. Starting this blog is hopefully going to help me when I'm feeling stressed about school or whatever, so I can let all my emotions spill out onto the keyboard, and have a cathartic moment. For those who don't know, a catharsis is the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, it encourages or permits the discharge of pent-up, socially unacceptable affects, to result in the alleviation of symptoms or the permanent relief of the condition. In other words, this is a form of therapy for me, because some of the things I may keep bottled up wouldn't be a very good thing to say aloud to my friends and family, or maybe I'm just freaking out over nothing. 

Anyway, hello! I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I am going to, and maybe it will be a release for more than just me.

~ Bee.

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