Wednesday 30 September 2015

Avoiding Homework!

All the homework I have and I haven't even put a dent in it. I have started, but I continue to be distracted and I go off and do something more fun. For example, I was doing my Maths homework, then I went on Steam and got two games, then proceeded to play said games. Boom. Distracted.
I also began doing a few typographical pictures of some song lyrics, and another from my friend's favourite song lyrics, and I gotta say, they look pretty cool.

 Fall Out Boy's Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes

Hoodie Allen's Won't Mind

I definitely will try to get this English work done, and maybe some of the Literature work too, but I'm gonna need lots of tea.

~ Bee

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Monday 21 September 2015

No Longer Called School Holidays

Well, third term is over and we now have a two-week break before the last term starts, and normally everyone here would call them the school holidays, but not for us VCE's. The teachers have decided to call it a "Study Break", which I don't think they saw looked like another term for holidays - a break from having to study for a while, have fun, go out with friends... NOPE. This "Study Break" is just another reason for teachers to give us holiday homework. I have serious work to do: three sets of questions to do for Psych, finish an entire chapter and a half for Maths, write both a creative and comparative piece for Lit, and a persuasive speech on Justice for English. I am going to have no fun.

One thing I'm looking forward to doing this break is dying my hair again. A while ago it was red, like red velvet cupcakes, but after I started getting regrowth I had to use a light brown dye because the red stood out way too much in contrast to my thin mouse brown hair, and it looked odd. So now my hair has regrown a bit more, and the red dye is more a faded orange, I've decided I want it dyed again but this time, a light brown with pink tips. My school does have a policy against unnatural hair colours, but I couldn't care less. It is one of the biggest and stupidest rules in schools. I am a good student, I pass my classes, I do well in school, I don't get in trouble and I get along with the teachers, but as soon as my hair is a little bit pink, it somehow affects my education. I don't see how as I don't sit in class looking at my hair all day, no, just because my hair is a different colour doesn't mean my attitude towards school and my learning is going to be any different. But I shall dye my hair anyway and I'm not going to care if they have an issue with it because I don't see what the problem is.

Hmm, doing my speech on school rules sounds like a good idea, I might just do that.

~ Bee.

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Thursday 17 September 2015

I want a PS4...

I've now finished watching both Markiplier and JackSepticEye play Until Dawn and I gotta say, I really, really want a PS4. I have grown up all things Nintendo, and I've never had an Xbox or a Play Station of any kind, and I feel I'm really missing out on some awesome stuff. Like, I'm not totally inept when it comes to playing games on other consoles, and I definitely do not favour Nintendo over either of those two consoles, and I do play a few games on PC, but I really do feel like I'm missing out. My friends go over to each others places to play Call of Duty, Halo, Saints Row or GTA, but no one really wants to come over to play Wii Sports or some crap like that. Also, there are just so many games I want to play, but the PC I have is a shitty one and I don't have the money to buy a good PC, and yes I know, console games are super expensive and Steam sales and blah, blah.... I know all that, I just like to have a more expansive knowledge of gameplay over both PCs and consoles, plus more of my friends play on consoles over PC so I'd be able to play with them. And then there's the whole "exclusive" games that I can't get on PC.
I did enter a young writers competition, in which you can win your choice of console, but I really doubt I'd win, and I haven't heard the results yet, the entries closed on the 11th but I have no idea how many other entries went in, or how ling it will take for the judges to read them all. I just hope I make it into the book. My dad once entered a competition like the one I'm in when he was about my age, and he got a spot in the published book, twice! So I'm hoping I inherited my dad's writing skills and at least get into the book. Another thing, is that if I do get a spot in the top 3, I get some cash out of it, and some of it goes towards my school, which I think is a great thing because it's like saying, "Hey, kid, you did a good job, here's some stuff for your amazing work, oh, and your school gets some too for teaching you well enough to get here." I think that's pretty great.
Though, I am definitely not saying I'm the best writer in the world, I have my moments where I spell something completely wrong, or I have major typos in my work that I don't even notice, but everyone has their flaws, and that's okay. Nobody's perfect.

Damn, now I'm gonna have that Hanna Montana song stuck in my head... Poos.


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Saturday 12 September 2015

Busy Week...

Ho-lyy crap. I have had a big couple of weeks, I've had to do SACs for Lit, I did my Philosophy speech... I'm tuckered out.

Wednesday I went on an excursion with a few people from my Lit class, and we went to go and see a play called Betrayal at the theatre, I felt so fancy being able to say that I was going to the theatre. The play was pretty cool, there were only four actors and it was based around three, two males and a female, and the girl was having an cheating on her husband (man #1) with his best friend who is also married (man #2) and I hadn't realised until the third scene that they were going back in time and showing the year, place, and season it was on the back wall... and it was a little confusing at times, but the stage was wicked cool, it was circular and had a big curved clothes rack that went around half of the stage's perimeter, and they could make it do a full 360 round the stage, so they did that while changing scenes. But they had to play loud music to cover up the loud sound of the racks, so when the actors stopped speaking, I'd shit my pants because there would be a loud "DUNNNNNN."

I also loved the excursion because we got to go off and enjoy the city for a little while, and so my friends went off and got some fancy food at a cafe, but poor me went and got Macca's because I have very little money. As I was walking to the McDonalds, I saw this homeless guy lying on a mattress with a cat next to him, and I don't see homeless people ever where I live, so I felt that I should help in a way, and I bought him a burger and gave it to him. Now, when I say gave it to him, I mean he wouldn't wake up so I got really shy and kinda placed it next to him.

Thursday was crazy, that afternoon I got home and my youngest sister was playing outside with one of the neighbours' daughters, and all of a sudden they come running into the house yelling "We heard a big noise, and now it's everywhere!!" waking Mum up, and when we got out there, we saw the neighbour's front yard near the curb had a new water feature: a burst water main. So our neighbour came out too and her and Mum looked at each other wondering who to call, eventually they called the council, but they said they wouldn't be able to come until 7 that night, and it was only 4 or 5 in the afternoon. I live on a hill, so this water was gushing out onto the street, and making a giant river in the gutters all the way down the road. The other neighbours came home a little later and went to join in my little sister, who at this point decided to go and throw a Frisbee into the water and run down the hill to catch it, and later piles of plastic bowls joined that Frisbee.
By the time the guy came around to look at the problem, about seven new holes had shown up, spraying even more water out onto the road, meaning we had no water in our houses, though the neighbour on our other side still did and managed to take a shower before leaving for the evening. One definite good thing that came out of this was that our neighbour owns a pizza shop, and she shouted us pizza for dinner. The workers showed up later in the night, and fixed the problem by Friday afternoon.

Friday I had to go home and pack a bag because I was going to have a sleepover with my three best friends at one of their houses, but I also got to her house and let myself in because she was taking a detour home to pick up some of her boyfriend's stuff on the way. We had a great time, we spoke to one of my bestie's Twitter friends, who apparently think we Aussies say "No" wrong. And I got to share a bed with her, and we spent the night eating half the brownies we'd all made earlier that night (and it was GOOD). We also watched The Thing, and I normally hate horror movies, but this one was terrible and I even giggled at the gory parts because it was that predictable and ridiculous. Today when we all woke up we took the bus to Macca's and all got large meals because they are doing a McDonald's Monopoly thing where you peel stickers off of the drink and chip packages and you can get either Monopoly board pieces you collect to get cool prizes, or an instant win. I got a free cheeseburger, and the others got a free wrap and a free sundae respectively. But we got so much food. It was nuts and we were so full afterwards.

I've also finished watching JackScepticEye's play-through of Until Dawn, and it was so good. Well, the choices he made were bad, but he knew they were and he regretted them as soon as he made them, but I love the fact that a choice he made way earlier in the game affected what happened later on, and the game all-round is just so pretty. I want to buy a PS4 so I can play this game, I would get it on PC but I don't have a good enough computer to play it with, and I'm not sure if it's even going to be available on PC. Besides, I like how they incorporate all the buttons and stuff on the controller into the game, it's pretty damn sweet.
Also, Jack and Markiplier dyed their hair, and I have to say, it looks good on them, Jack with green and Mark with Pink. I might be dying my hair a lighter blonde than my natural colour, and getting a pastel pink ombre done.

I'm gonna be so fabulous.
~ Bee.

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Wednesday 2 September 2015

Fear the Walking Dead and KFC Nuggets

I have so many shows I love to watch, and by watch I mean binge watch until I pass out from sleep deprivation or until there are no more episodes to watch. My latest favourite, though, is Fear the Walking Dead. I've forgotten to watch it for a while, but I new I had high expectations of it because of how much I love The Walking Dead, so as soon as I heard about this spin-off show based at the very beginning of the zombie apocalypse I was super pumped. And so this afternoon I'd decided homework could wait a little longer and I watched both the first (pilot) episode and the next one. And I've gotta say, it was gooooood.

Also this afternoon my Psych teacher was absent in the last two periods of school, so I was allowed to leave early (woot woot!). So I decided, seeing as I had a few bucks to spare, I'd head up to the KFC about a fifteen minute walk from my school and buy nuggets, because why not? So, I was on my way there, about halfway up, when I get spam called by my bestie because her class had also been cancelled and she wanted me to go with her to pet-sit for a little while. But, you know... I wasn't even close to the KFC yet and so I had no nuggets to stuff my face with, so I was in a bit of a predicament. Fortunately, she said it was okay to go and get my nuggets and then to meet her there. So I bought my nuggets, walked back to the place she was pet-sitting at, and after she was done we went and got slushies because we were both just so hot - especially me after walking like 3.3 km up and down and all around the place.

Once I got home I was called on Skype by my YouTube friends, The Flaming Shaft, to play Skyblock with them. They're still fairly new to YouTube but they are funny. So we were all getting onto Minecraft and mine decided it would download an update... then another... and another... and then never actually load Minecraft. So while the Shafts were waiting to record, I was sitting there furiously restarting my computer to try and get it to boot up. Once it did we had a jolly good time jumping off the ledge to our deaths and making the area bigger, and also talking about all the Aussie slang words we could think of. It was good fun.

Unfortunately, there is still some wet washing that needs to be hung out before I can sleep.

~ Bee.

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Tuesday 1 September 2015

Another Super Good Day :D

Such a good day today. Had a double study in the morning that I spent watching more YouTube than I should have, then doing absolutely nada in English, then another study spent watching more YouTube.

But, what made it such a great day is that my Philosophy teacher is hopefully kicking out one of the guys in my class. The reason? He is an absolute racist misogynistic dickbag who thinks that because he can make himself sound smart, he is always right. That, my friends, is absolutely not true. He once said that Psychology is not a science because "it doesn't use Empirical evidence or the scientific method."
 I'm sorry WHAT?
I have been studying Psychology for two years now and the very first things we learn is that Psychology uses the scientific method and Empirical evidence. Also, because what he says sounds smart, other people tend to follow what he says, because they think "Oh yeah, he sounds smart, he must be right so I'll just follow what he says."
Anyway, the proper reason he is hopefully being kicked out of class is because, while working on our oral presentations, he decided it would be a great idea to make his about how we must massacre all of the Chinese, because he feels like it and for some god-damn reason he has an issue with people who are different to him, god forbid a Chinese person even look at him - oh the horror! So when he said that our teacher heard and told him there was no way he was ever going to be allowed to have a presentation about becoming Hitler 2.0 and killing all the Chinese people, and you know what happened? He looked like he was about to cry. Good. His super-boosted ego means that he is never used to being told that he is wrong, and so seeing him put back in his damn place was wonderful.
So, we will find out soon enough if he's gone for good.

Until next time.

~ Bee.

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