Wednesday 2 September 2015

Fear the Walking Dead and KFC Nuggets

I have so many shows I love to watch, and by watch I mean binge watch until I pass out from sleep deprivation or until there are no more episodes to watch. My latest favourite, though, is Fear the Walking Dead. I've forgotten to watch it for a while, but I new I had high expectations of it because of how much I love The Walking Dead, so as soon as I heard about this spin-off show based at the very beginning of the zombie apocalypse I was super pumped. And so this afternoon I'd decided homework could wait a little longer and I watched both the first (pilot) episode and the next one. And I've gotta say, it was gooooood.

Also this afternoon my Psych teacher was absent in the last two periods of school, so I was allowed to leave early (woot woot!). So I decided, seeing as I had a few bucks to spare, I'd head up to the KFC about a fifteen minute walk from my school and buy nuggets, because why not? So, I was on my way there, about halfway up, when I get spam called by my bestie because her class had also been cancelled and she wanted me to go with her to pet-sit for a little while. But, you know... I wasn't even close to the KFC yet and so I had no nuggets to stuff my face with, so I was in a bit of a predicament. Fortunately, she said it was okay to go and get my nuggets and then to meet her there. So I bought my nuggets, walked back to the place she was pet-sitting at, and after she was done we went and got slushies because we were both just so hot - especially me after walking like 3.3 km up and down and all around the place.

Once I got home I was called on Skype by my YouTube friends, The Flaming Shaft, to play Skyblock with them. They're still fairly new to YouTube but they are funny. So we were all getting onto Minecraft and mine decided it would download an update... then another... and another... and then never actually load Minecraft. So while the Shafts were waiting to record, I was sitting there furiously restarting my computer to try and get it to boot up. Once it did we had a jolly good time jumping off the ledge to our deaths and making the area bigger, and also talking about all the Aussie slang words we could think of. It was good fun.

Unfortunately, there is still some wet washing that needs to be hung out before I can sleep.

~ Bee.

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