Monday 21 September 2015

No Longer Called School Holidays

Well, third term is over and we now have a two-week break before the last term starts, and normally everyone here would call them the school holidays, but not for us VCE's. The teachers have decided to call it a "Study Break", which I don't think they saw looked like another term for holidays - a break from having to study for a while, have fun, go out with friends... NOPE. This "Study Break" is just another reason for teachers to give us holiday homework. I have serious work to do: three sets of questions to do for Psych, finish an entire chapter and a half for Maths, write both a creative and comparative piece for Lit, and a persuasive speech on Justice for English. I am going to have no fun.

One thing I'm looking forward to doing this break is dying my hair again. A while ago it was red, like red velvet cupcakes, but after I started getting regrowth I had to use a light brown dye because the red stood out way too much in contrast to my thin mouse brown hair, and it looked odd. So now my hair has regrown a bit more, and the red dye is more a faded orange, I've decided I want it dyed again but this time, a light brown with pink tips. My school does have a policy against unnatural hair colours, but I couldn't care less. It is one of the biggest and stupidest rules in schools. I am a good student, I pass my classes, I do well in school, I don't get in trouble and I get along with the teachers, but as soon as my hair is a little bit pink, it somehow affects my education. I don't see how as I don't sit in class looking at my hair all day, no, just because my hair is a different colour doesn't mean my attitude towards school and my learning is going to be any different. But I shall dye my hair anyway and I'm not going to care if they have an issue with it because I don't see what the problem is.

Hmm, doing my speech on school rules sounds like a good idea, I might just do that.

~ Bee.

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